See and read what our satisfied users say about timeduck.
»We started tracking time for our whole team in just a few minutes - that was astonishing! Thank you for such an easy online product!«
Alexander Ottmann
CEO, fms.co.at
»At first we only tracked a bit of our work time, but we realized how important this tool is for us as soon as we saw the analyses!«
Andreas Aschauer
CEO, codeforce.at
»Signup was very easy, paypal worked without any problems and I was productively using timeduck within two minutes! Great!«
Doris Grussmann
graphic designer, dggd.at
»Signup was very easy and we really like the user design as it is perfect for our typical work day! Thank you very much!«
Clemens Lethmayer
CEO, steuerrad.at
»Timeduck.com works with the apps, so we could extend the features. We like the GPS app the most - great information there!«
Mathias Schindler
web-consultant, halligallimedia.at
»Before timeduck.com, we did not know exactly how long we worked on one template - now everything is very clear, good to know that!«
Christian Budschedl
webdesigner, kriesi.at
»First, we registered three users with our free credits (great: no restrictions), but after a few weeks we upgraded for our whole team.«
Alexander Kollin
software-development, kingbill.at
»We only use timeduck.com for internal purposes, to know who is working on what project - it is a great review each month!«
Lukas Pfeiffer
hosting provider, descience.at
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tion link.
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